Public disclosure of inside information in accordance with article 17 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation)
Munich/Paris, 21 April 2022. CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA and France Billet SA, a joint venture between Fnac Darty Group and CTS EVENTIM, have today concluded an agreement with Paris 2024 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games to provide software and related services to support their ticketing programme (Lot 1 “Ticketing system provider”). This is the first allocation of a total of four lots and includes the provision of Eventim’s ticketing software. CTS EVENTIM and France Billet form a consortium with Orange Business Services SA. CTS EVENTIM expects from the agreement a positive revenue contribution in the double-digit million euro range.
CTS EVENTIM is one of the leading international providers of ticketing services and live entertainment. Before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, around 250 million tickets per annum were marketed using the Company’s systems – be it through physical box offices, online, or from mobile terminals. Its online portals operate under brands such as,,,, and The EVENTIM Group also includes many concert, tour, and festival promoter companies for events like Rock am Ring, Rock im Park, Hurricane, Southside, and Lucca Summer. In addition, CTS EVENTIM operates some of Europe’s most renowned venues, for example the LANXESS Arena in Cologne, the K.B. Hallen in Copenhagen, the Waldbühne in Berlin, and the EVENTIM Apollo in London. CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA (ISIN DE 0005470306) has been listed on the stock exchange since 2000 and is currently a member of the MDAX segment. In 2021, against a backdrop of forced closures, cancellations, and restrictions on events as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the Group generated revenue totalling €407.8 million in more than 20 countries. In 2019, the year before the outbreak of the pandemic, revenue was in excess of €1.4 billion.
Head of Corporate Communications: Frank Brandmaier
[email protected]